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Miki S. Inquilino
Szep hely
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14.02.2021 Budapest
Marzena S. Inquilino
Easy to use
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14.02.2021 Praga
Jeanne B. Inquilino
I like that the utilities are included in the rent and good descriptions of the properties. I like also there are good pictures and all the lease details are handled easily.
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13.02.2021 Parede
Roman K. Inquilino
Ease of use
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13.02.2021 Praga
Žanbreznikar B. Inquilino
The Flatio experience was perfectly fine. The only thing that was a bit much was a bit much but its the price we were willing to pay in order for everything to go smoothly
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09.02.2021 Praga
Klaudia V. Inquilino
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12.02.2021 Budapest
Jocelyn L. Inquilino
Organized no deposit
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12.02.2021 Praga
Jovana P. Inquilino
Very well organized website.
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11.02.2021 Praga
Tomáš H. Inquilino
I s doporučením komfort,luxus,čistota
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11.02.2021 Praga
Jovana P. Inquilino
Web page is very well organized, All information are clear and easy to read.
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29.12.2020 Praga
Ján F. Propietario
Maximálna spokojnosť, čiže na 100%
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10.02.2021 Bratislava
Ana D. Inquilino
Os preços
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10.02.2021 Oporto
Susana C. Inquilino
Simplicidade e eficiência.
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10.02.2021 Oporto
Bernadett K. Inquilino
Egyszerű gyors, és attekinthető.
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10.02.2021 Budapest
Eszter Z. Inquilino
Flexible and user friendly
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10.02.2021 Budapest
Jiří Z. Inquilino
Možnost vše zařídit online bez zbytečného papírování. Rychlý proces.
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08.02.2021 Brno
Pavla V. Inquilino
Velká nabídka bytů ihned k dispozici. Prověření pronajímatelé.
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09.02.2021 Praga
Sydney S. Inquilino
Great prices, and great options. Easy booking process.
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09.02.2021 Praga
Hanie D. Inquilino
Jednoduchost a přehlednost
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09.02.2021 Praga
Adrián B. Inquilino
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09.02.2021 Praga
Roberto F. Inquilino
Easy to find the accommodation in the neighborhood, good photos and simple reservation process. It is a great website!
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09.02.2021 Praga
Jana P. Propietario
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08.02.2021 Praga
Linda K. Propietario
Ameddig egy foglalási kérelmet küldő vendég nem fizeti ki az első havi bérleti díjat, nem célszerű zárolva tartani több hónapnyi időt a foglalási naptárban, mert így több esetben veszítettünk tényleges bérlő jelöltet, míg a másiknak nem volt komoly a szándéka.
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08.02.2021 Budapest
Erzsébet V. Propietario
flexible and communicative
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08.02.2021 Budapest