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Praga, Chequia: Lee las valoraciones de inquilinos y propietarios que han tenido experiencias de alquiler en este destino.

Pavel P. Inquilino
Nespokojen? Já vás používám poprvé, tak ještě nevím! :-)
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05.11.2023 Praga
Ivan R. Inquilino
Website continuously logs me out. Many times the price for the apartment changes drastically. It looked like a bug when I opened it; it said 29,000 CZK per 30 days, and after a page refresh, it said 50,000 CZK. The currency changed on its own frequently. Date selection loads endlessly. I filled in my info, but it did not save, so I had to re-enter the text again... Quite a bad website experience.
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17.05.2024 Praga
Michael G. Inquilino
I don't like committing myself to a property without an opportunity to inspect it personally first.
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06.05.2024 Praga
Dana P. Inquilino
Bohužel zatím nemám zkušenost, kterou bych mohla doporučit, pouze jsem zaslala žádost.
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26.04.2024 Praga
Jiří T. Propietario
Ubytovávat jednu osobu je ve všech ohledech jiné, než ubytovávat více osob, doposud v tomto ohledu (nepochopitelně) spinká, cenové variace nejsou k dispozici :-)
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24.04.2024 Praga
Nikola P. Inquilino
your page doesn't work properly. actual availability of the flat doesn't match the searched availability. also link to the lease sample doesn't work. also - if i search for, let's say 5 days stay and i view some of the offered options, price for these 5 days is displayed as a price of monthly rent, which is completely confusing.
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30.03.2024 Praga
Jessica W. Inquilino
Not sure haven’t used you yet. Let’s see how this goes before I can really rate you
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22.03.2024 Praga
Karel H. Inquilino
Velmi neprijemne a caste upozornovani na blizici se konec najmu!
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10.03.2024 Praga
Kamila C. Inquilino
Im not dissatisfied but I have not rented anything yet so I can't really give my opinion. so far everything seems good
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05.03.2024 Praga
Michal D. Inquilino
Vynucené hodnocení pronajímatele je více než otravné.
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02.03.2024 Praga
Dušan K. Inquilino
Na hodnocení je příliš brzy. Nejraději bych v této fázi (zatím) hodnocení přeskočil, ale takovou možnost jsem nedostal...
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28.02.2024 Praga
Josef P. Inquilino
Extrémně vysoké poplatky v porovnání s AirBnb.
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31.01.2024 Praga
Adam P. Inquilino
If the service didn't cost 400eur, I would recommend it.
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25.01.2024 Praga
Zuzana S. Propietario
Přemýšlím, že se přesunu z části na AirBnb. Poplatky začínají být příliš vysoké, především pro nájemce. Navíc nechápu, jak se ukazují nabídky. Občas se snažím vyhledat svou nemovitost v nabídce a v listu jí nikdy nenajdu. Je to divné.
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10.01.2024 Praga
Lucka S. Propietario
Zveřejňování inzerce na považuji za velmi nešťastné. Obzvláště částky zde uváděné jsou zavádějící. Také účtování nového "servisního poplatku" nájemci /na začátku pronájmu/ snižuje šanci na pronájem, tento poplatek nechápu, protože zde ze strany Flatia zde není žádná aktivita (celý inzerát i fotky si servisuji sama) a Flatio si ode mě každý měsíc bere procenta ze zaplaceného nájmu.
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29.12.2023 Praga
Jozef V. Inquilino
Neznám to tu
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18.12.2023 Praga
Almira R. Inquilino
různé ceny na webových stránkách
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13.12.2023 Praga
Jose Roberto B. Inquilino
I can't get contact with the landlord for a viewing upfront.
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05.12.2023 Praga
Roman B. Inquilino
Payment provider (GOPay) does not support many countries and I was unable to pay in the usual way.
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15.12.2023 Praga
Violetta S. Inquilino
It is not easy to find the Adrees of the flat.
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30.11.2023 Praga
Daniel S. Inquilino
I don’t like the set up with payments as they are. I rented the flat for all of one month and part of the next. I paid rent for the full and then the partial the next month. Due to my working situation, I decided to take another month (same as previous, the whole month and part of the next). The app and code didn’t recognize that I had already paid the partial month and I was asked to pay the full again. When I brought this to their attention, they reduced the rent by their fee amount, which was accommodating, but they still have the problem. They swear there isn’t a problem and didn’t even wish to understand what I was pointing out. They were very nice in the correspondence, but without some review with their development team, I wouldn’t trust the app again.
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18.11.2023 Praga
Andrew P. Propietario
I still find the bookings process so annoying. People reserve and don't pay, I have to follow up. One flat I have doesn't get bookings - it could be clever to make recommendation to change something about a listing to get it booked based on the data you see e.g. is the price to high?
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16.11.2023 Praga
Tomáš V. Propietario
uprava ceny najemneho pri sleve pro dlouhodobe ubytovani je po vytvoreni smlouvy dost bolestiva. Viz tickety ktere jsem musel vytvorit aby se upravena cena propsala do Vasich systemu.
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07.11.2023 Praga
Luis D. Inquilino
No payment via Mastercard
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06.11.2023 Praga